Accelerating health innovation


Sahlgrenska Science Park is dedicated to enhancing the competitiveness of West Sweden's life science sector. By actively fostering health innovation and nurturing collaboration, we're helping to shape the future of healthcare.

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A word from our CEO

Cecilia Edebo, CEO of Sahlgrenska Science Park

Cecilia Edebo was appointed as CEO in 2024. Her mission is to further develop Sahlgrenska Science Park as a leading catalyser of collaborative health innovation.

“I am extremely honored and proud to have been trusted with the role of leading Sahlgrenska Science Park into the future. I truly hope that my experience of building and developing strong collaborations as well and knowledge of the life science and healthcare market can contribute to establishing West Sweden and Sweden as one of the world’s most prominent life science hubs," says Cecilia Edebo.

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Cecilia Edebo

Arvid Carlsson by Sahlgrenska Science Park 2023

Celebrating last year's winner: Petra Apell, Texray

Arvid Carlsson Award by Sahlgrenska Science Park 2023 was awarded to Petra Apell, Texray, for an outstanding innovation and for being an inspirational entrepreneur with a relentless drive and an unwavering commitment to continuous growth, research, and development.

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Petra Apell

Health Innovation Labs by sahlgrenska science park

Health Innovation Labs

Sahlgrenska Science Park has partnered up with Akademiska Hus to build a shared lab and office co-working facility in Gothenburg to attract companies in early-stage life sciences.

Sahlgrenska Science Park offers a collaborative space, with research equipment, business support and acceleration programming to help startup companies reach their milestones faster.

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Shared lab Videm cropped

Stories from our universe


Triple triumphs for Texray

Good things come in threes. Texray has announced a successful completion of a 45 million SEK investment round led by Industrifonden and supported by private investors at Impilo. Earlier this month, Petra Apell, the company’s CEO, won the Arvid Carlsson Award for an outstanding innovation and a relentless drive and commitment to growth, research and development.

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Shared Lab

Novus survey: The life science sector unknown to many in western Sweden

The life science sector in western Sweden employs more than 10,000 people, and the life science cluster in Gothenburg is one of the largest in the Nordic region. Despite this, residents in the Gothenburg area have very low awareness of the life science sector, according to a new survey by Novus.

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Canva collaboration

How open innovation unlocks the true potential

Collaboration and open innovation play pivotal roles today within the life science industry, contributing to advancements in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical research. While no single actor is capable of solving the needs alone, collaboration is not always easy.

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CO-AX Accelerator

Startup Incubator and Business Accelerator

We believe in innovative startups and scaleups with a drive and curiousity for developing tech solutions for the better good of our health. This is what healthtech innovations is all about.

Whether solutions can be implemented in hospitals, nursing homes, home care or be supportive in a daily life setting or at work -  it may have the opportunity to change peoples lifes. 

We challenge our companies to see beyond the horizon, exposing them for completely new industries where their healthtech solution can be used in production, in cars, airplanes or why not in spaceships.

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Project Partnerships

Building cross-collaboration

From personal meetings to joint projects and innovations using artificial intelligence. We zoom in on what makes business and companies grow. 

We offer workshops, matchmaking events, seminars and meetings where companies get the opportunity to connect and deepen relationships in joint projects. 

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Brand image man and woman


Connect and grow with us

Sahlgrenska Science Park is a unique growth environment for research-based business concepts, innovations and entrepreneurship within the field of life science.

We offer premises and services, and function as an active meeting point for new and established companies. Through this environment, you also have access to a large network of industrial competence, consultants and investments.

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The Accelerator

Making magic on Medicin Hill

Two of the four successful startup companies to join the MobilityXlab open collaboration platform in the latest round of applications are part of the HealthTech Accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park. 

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Artificial intelligence


Navigate the world of MDR

The Legal Value Chain project aims to map and analyze  relevant regulations and apply them to real-life cases in order to generate knowledge to be shared with innovators in academia, healthcare and industry.

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Health Innovation West

Health innovation West

Stronger together with cluster collaboration

Health Innovation West is a network, facilitated by Sahlgrenska Science Park, aiming to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of life science in West Sweden. 

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